Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-eight

“Your nine-thirty is waiting for you, Congresswoman.”

Walking through the Capitol Building, Deborah frowned at her aide. “I have nothing on my schedule until after lunch.”

Without Wings Epilogue

His guts wanted to expel themselves all over his shoes, but he forced the bile down and focused on Bella.

Without his wife, he had no soul. Nothing but a black void.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-seven

After thorough discussions among everyone in the house, they came up with a decent plan for their conversation with President Warner. Edward wasn’t sure he cared anymore; he just wanted it to be over. They were all tired, sick of living together, and ready to go back to their real lives. It was time to put the mission to bed.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-six

Silence surrounded her, all the occupants of the house rather suspiciously finding activities outside or in the shed at the back of the property. Writing in the notebook in front of her, Bella tried to focus on her ideas about leaking their audio files, but the settling of the old pipes and the moan of the wind continued to distract her. It would most likely rain soon, but for the time being, it was merely windy and dark from heavy clouds.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-five

“Excuse me, Congresswoman McAvoy?”

Deborah turned, an impartial smile on her face. “Yes?”

Friday, June 30, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-four

“If you play your cards right, you can run into both Congresswoman McAvoy and the second daughter on the same day.”

Bella listened to Edward with half an ear as she secured the blonde wig over her hair. Having to hide in plain sight was annoying, but it was better than the alternative.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-three

Edward’s mind whirled with useless thoughts. Natasha was no longer an ally of her husband’s, so he would never trust her again. Since Edward had been reluctant to use her anyway, it was fine. Derrick hadn’t admitted to anything terribly useful, but they had kind of assumed he wouldn’t anyway. Especially since he enjoyed keeping his wife in the dark. Just because their only chance had gone nowhere didn’t mean they were out of options.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-two

“That went better than expected,” Bella said, pulling off the headphones and dropping them on the table.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty-one

Tito’s arrival back at the house caused a predictable dust-up. Those who hadn’t met him were treated to the more charming side of his nature, but Bella refused to be in the same room with him. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Twenty

“More of the usual lies,” Bella said as Jasper muted the TV at the tail end of the press conference.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Without Wings Chapter Nineteen

Edward didn’t want Tito getting rich off this any more than anyone else did, but what choice did they have left? He may have been a misogynistic douche, but he currently had access to the computers with the highest security clearance in the agency. If he had the proof that VP Barrett was making deals with the Taliban, then the public had a right to know.